Sunday 12/02 from 2-6pm. Located between Local 506 and Mint, Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC.

Please join me for a pop up art show and sale at My Room, Amanda Barr's new project space. I will have varied collections of my work: encaustic paintings, mixed media collages and oil and cold wax, all sizes.http://www.jamiemcphail.com

Photographer, educator & curator Lindsay Metivier will open her studio for the day, showing her photography work and digital lab. She will also have prints for sale. http://www.lindsaymetivier.com

The Concern Newsstand, a publications project run by Orvokki Crosby, will be open. Come take a look at art books, limited edition books by local and not-so-local artists, zines & hard to find magazines. www.theconcernnewsstand.com

Max Huffman, artist, illustrator and cartoonist will be selling comics, prints and stickers. http://maxhuffman.com/

star quality