

Learn the art of encaustic! I will be teaching a class at The ArtsCenter in Carrboro starting in January! This is a 6 session class running Thursday evenings 6:15- 9, 1/9 thru 2/15. Each class runs 2 hours and 45 minutes to give us time to dig in and really get a feel for the techniques I will be teaching. There is no experience needed to take this class, and everyone should leave with completed works! Class is limited to 12 students so that i can offer one on one feedback and help. Please email me for any questions you may have about the class and for more details! Sign up at the ArtsCenter website.

encaustic and kuzo rice paper. 24x24


Sunday 12/02 from 2-6pm. Located between Local 506 and Mint, Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC.

Please join me for a pop up art show and sale at My Room, Amanda Barr's new project space. I will have varied collections of my work: encaustic paintings, mixed media collages and oil and cold wax, all sizes.

Photographer, educator & curator Lindsay Metivier will open her studio for the day, showing her photography work and digital lab. She will also have prints for sale.

The Concern Newsstand, a publications project run by Orvokki Crosby, will be open. Come take a look at art books, limited edition books by local and not-so-local artists, zines & hard to find magazines.

Max Huffman, artist, illustrator and cartoonist will be selling comics, prints and stickers.

star quality

Most of my paintings are out of the studio now, so I took the opportunity to clean a bit and regroup.  It has been years since I have worked in anything other than encaustic, and at times, the limitations of working with hot wax can be frustrating. I thought that the more fluid oil and cold wax would be a fun diversion. The wax is a super creamy texture and mixed with oil paint it feels like you are working with buttercream. Unlike encaustic, you can easily sketch into the surface, you can smear and blend. This was painted applying oil and cold wax with a palette knife, drawing with an oil stick and a pencil, and letter stamps.


playing with oil and cold wax    #trysomethingnew#blog